There are 3 different sizes of bag that I can choose from depending on needs for a particular shoot. They are all crossbody style & are of the leather variety i.e. they don’t look like typical camera bags. I’m not really a fan of how the nylon bags look aesthetic-wise, plus they call more attention to yourself while out traveling as opposed to a messenger bag. These are what I use at the moment for occasional freelancing, but I expect I’d need heavier duty types if I worked commercially and traveled a lot with a lot of gear. Small (One camera body with lens on it + one extra lens, extra batteries, cards, charger.) This is the perfect size for a casual day bag. Dimensions: 9″ W x 6.5″ H x 7″ D I found this brand new from Goodwill, but here it is to order. Medium (One camera with lens on it + two extra lenses, one external flash, extra batteries, cards, charger, etc.) I like to use this as my everyday work bag or for simple shoots like headshots. Dimensions: 13″ W x 8″ H x 4″ D This one I also found secondhand at […]
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