This may contradict my why finding your niche is important post, but I’ve realized over the years there is a definite benefit to variety. Shooting things you don’t usually shoot results in the following benefits:   Practice The age old saying “practice makes perfect” rings true. Though no one should be striving for that unreachable precipice, we can all strive to be better than we were before. Whether that improvement is in technical skill or conceptual prowess, we can gain some good from extra shooting.   Volunteer Sometimes there are projects or organizations that really speak to you. What if instead of donating money, you donate your time & skill? A few photos of their work in the community that they could post online or put on a sign could really help bring awareness to their cause.   Remember I love to travel. On every trip, I never leave home without my camera. I of course snap a few with my phone, but even the most advanced ones to date don’t offer the versatility & performance that my DSLR does. I love going to a new place and capturing a different culture. Instead of clamoring by all the stores […]
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  Niche has a few different definitions, but in regards to work as an artist, it is closely related to genre.   This is sometimes difficult to pinpoint, especially for newcomers. Years ago, I remember saying I couldn’t possibly limit myself because I loved to shoot everything! Well that love may be true for many of us, but typically there are a couple types of photography we find ourselves gravitate towards.   For me, it’s people.   I love anything involving people; portraits, fashion, street, etc. There’s something so fascinating about the human face, body, and overall interaction with the world. Because of this love, the majority of what I shoot involves people. My niche is specific in that I focus primarily on portraits & headshots.   Advantages for having a specific niche:   You have a focus. By honing in on a very specific aspect in your field, you will always have an idea of what your next project will be.   Your passion really shines through. Because you aren’t trying to shoot every single thing in the world (which could amount to so-so results) you are able to put in 100% each time you do a shoot.   […]
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