This was another very busy month, so I went with a less time intensive challenge and picked “a frame within a frame.” I was able to get this image back when I visited my bestie in LA a few months back at an awesome bookstore out there. Although these challenges are primarily meant to be new conceptual work, I see nothing wrong with using images captured on vacation if they fit the specific theme picked. So don’t ever let strict rules stop you from sharing; modify them so you can still post according to your original schedule.   May the light be with you.           Follow
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For this week’s lighting tip, I’d like to focus on one of my favorite types: softboxes. There are many affordable kits to start with, and they’re also very easy to use, so they’re great for beginners. Here are a few pros and cons, as well as tips for using them!   Pros: Affordable Can be used for photography & video Provides soft, even lighting   Cons: Bulky Take extra time to set up Relies on electricity or some other comparable power source   Unless you have a team to help you with weatherproof wires and such, I’d stick to using these inside. No need to risk electrocution for any shot!   Because these are larger lighting apparatuses, it would be difficult to hide this behind a subject. These work well for main lights as well as fill lights if distanced further away. For example, if you’re using a window as your main light, you could put a soft box a bit back beside the subject for a very even looking fill.   In regards to video, these are excellent for interviews, vlogs, or documentary style setups that take place in a controlled environment inside. As long as you have access […]
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  Like when seeking out any sort of physical object to buy, I began looking for reviews and comparisons. Of all the reviews I read, the top two that came out were ProDPI & WHCC. I think while looking at particular print examples, I went with ProDPI for the color, quality, & price.   When using this lab, you have to set up an account (it’s free) and download their uploading software. It does seem to be an extra step, but they probably have it that way to keep track of orders easier and not have giant files directly on their site.   The images should be the exact size you want them to print, 300dpi as expected, but surprisingly in RGB color mode. I had them in CMYK but had to switch them when they weren’t “recognized” by the uploader. I find it a little strange that they want RGB color since every other time I’ve dealt with print it’s been in CMYK, but a friend told me many newer, high-end printers are able to recognize and reproduce RGB even better. This brings us to the most important aspect of all: image quality.   I Was. Blown. Away.   […]
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  As we advance further with technology and approach a mainly virtual world, the notion that ‘print is dead’ has grown a great deal. And though many aspects of our lives are more convenient in a digital format, there are still advantages to having print incorporated one way or another. Here are some pros & cons to each format in regards to photographs.   Print Pros: Archival Can be displayed on a wall for other people to see Can be shared in books, magazines, & cards Can be made quite large (depending on resolution/megapixels), so every detail can be seen   Cons: Can be subject to wear & tear if handled frequently Can be damaged by fire, flooding, & all other natural disasters Uses ink & paper (will eventually be thrown away)   Digital Pros: Convenient Uses light to be seen, no physical products (better for the environment) Can be posted online for potentially the world to see Can be sent quickly in email or messages to others   Cons: Can be lost, deleted, or corrupted Relies on internet connection or data plan in order to be posted/sent Needs electricity or battery power on the device to be displayed   […]
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This month was quite busy, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me from continuing my challenge. I had the perfect opportunity to do so at Comic Con with my picks; fantasy & a portrait without a face. I went on my b-day and was able to see a bunch of other folks dressed up as well. I had such a fun time! The featured image & the top one fulfill the ‘portrait without a face’ part, but the rest are definitely within the fantasy realm. May my nerdiness inspire you!     May the light be with you.           Follow Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save
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  This is one area where even non-photographers can’t help themselves from taking at least a few photos. Whether a quick snap with a phone or a patiently planned out camera shot, travel photography is an essential part of keeping those memories intact. Here are a few tips on making your next trip a beneficial documentary experience!   Gear First and foremost, you should know what you’re going to bring. Depending on how long your trip is, if it’s for business or leisure, if you’re a hobbyist or professional, or if you’ll be in an area where you can bring out specific gear, you’ll need to decide how much you think you’ll use & how much you’re willing to carry around with you all day.   If you’re only using your phone, this will be easy as you can fit that in a pocket or purse. Though, I recommend bringing along those clip-on lenses just so you have a bit more flexibility. They are quite affordable as well as small and can be fun to use.   If you’re going compact or mirrorless you’re also going to fortunately have a smaller pack. This would be my most recommended route just […]
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  Most fields require a flawless cover letter & resume to be considered for a position. That is also important in creative fields; however, the portfolio is paramount. Claiming to be a photographer & having no work to back up that claim doesn’t exactly look promising to potential clients. In our visual field, having a collection of carefully curated work will help tell the world what your message is. Here are some tips to help you put your best self out there.   medium I recommend having 3 different mediums: a website, a print book, & a digital PDF.   Your website is a given and will be there for potentially anyone with internet access can view. This is the easiest to update.   A print book is still very important to have (even in our digital world.) Quality is really shown in larger format prints. Bring this to interviews, reviews, and possibly workshops & always ask for feedback.   A PDF is like a combination of your site & book in that it is in a digital form (easy to email but has the possibility to be printed) & only contains what you want to show potential hiring managers. […]
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  As each year goes on, many of us in technology based fields see changes in how to market ourselves. One ever constant that has stood the test of time–and will arguably transcend into the future in one way or another—is the business card. This simple 2.5in x 3in card can really say a lot about the person passing it out. Good or bad. So it is important to put the same hard work into this marketing collateral as with your others.   Here are a few different ways photographers can really leave an impression with their business cards.   Shape A definite way to stand out in this category would be to pick an unconventional shape like a square or circle. There are mixed feelings about this choice in more business environments, but for creative fields, I see nothing wrong with making your card a different shape (as long as you have a valid reason for doing so.)   Information Since there is such little real estate to work with, you must be concise with what you share. You definitely need your name, name of business (if different), possibly your title, your logo, and contact information. Don’t make your […]
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For this month I picked ‘use a location to wow’ which is exactly what happened when I edited the final picks. This is the start of a new series I’m working on, so stay tuned for more!   Details about this shoot: Location – skywalk Lighting – triggered flash on a light stand Setup – camera on tripod, wireless connection to phone for preview/trigger   For this particular sci fi inspired character, I wanted it to seem as though I was in a spaceship & knew that using a skywalk a night would do the trick. (In case anyone doesn’t know, a skywalk is a tubular walkway put in between buildings to protect people from the weather.) Because it was night though, I knew I’d need flash to help light myself as well as the background. I put my flash on a light stand and positioned it directly behind my camera. I used the remote trigger that came with the set, so I could fire the flash at the exact moment my camera shutter opened. It took a few trial runs, but once I had my settings right, I was able to capture some great images. I love the leading […]
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  Choosing a favorite of any type is always so difficult. Honestly, I have even more books I could talk about, but thought it’d be best to keep it brief with 5 different types. I have listed these from top to bottom as seen in the featured image.   Read this if you want to take great photographs of people by Henry Carroll This is my most recent addition and is a quick read. It features advice from various photographers about how to improve your portrait photography. I found it quite interesting to see different thoughts and techniques applied to my particular niche.   The Body: Photographs of the Human Form by William A. Ewing Chock full of images, this book will surely feed the mind of those who find the human body intriguing. It has a mix of men & women, fine art nudes, & portraits as well.   Humans of New York by Brandon Stanton You’ve more than likely heard of this ongoing project on social media by photographer Brandon Stanton. Well this is a collection of his street shots paired with quotes from those subjects. It’s incredibly inspiring to see how diverse people are and I also […]
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