Hello Dear Reader, thanks you for joining me today! This post marks the start of my blogging adventure for 2017. I plan to post every Sunday. No matter what. I know what you’re thinking… Gosh Shekinah, sounds like you’re making some cliché New Year resolution that will ultimately fail and make a bigger explosion than the Death Star! Thanks. Thanks a lot for that load of confidence. Dramatics aside, you’ll be pleased to know I think I’ve found a way around that sort of painful end. Over the past handful of months, I have made a list of topics I’d like to discuss. All of them relate to photography in one way or another. I have drafts, I have ideas, and best of all I have a plan! Sometimes it’s hard to stay consistent. On my design site I gave blogging a try. What had happened was I blogged about many different things…then stopped. There was no focus or schedule I upheld. No subject matter was off limits, I did reviews, travel recollections, fashion posts, and lifestyle stories. I know that my favorite blogs focus on only a small amount of […]
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