Shooting Series: Events

Shekinah Shazaam Photography · July 15, 2018 · Blogging, Photography, Shooting Series · 0 comments


On occasion whether through work or other projects, you may be asked to shoot certain events. I thought I’d share some tips on what I’ve learned over the years & show a few recent shots for inspiration.


  • Find out as much as you can about the venue beforehand. You want to know if the event will take place indoors, outdoors, or a combination of both. This will allow you to adequately gauge lighting, size of space, schedule, etc.


  • Overpack. You don’t want to be mid-event with a dead battery and no backup. I’d suggest having extra memory cards & batteries to be safe. Make sure everything is charged the night before as well.


  • Wear something comfortable yet appropriate. If this is a black tie event, dress up a bit. If it’s a casual get together, stay simple. You basically want to blend in with the crowd as much as possible. By doing so, guests will notice you less and be more genuine in your photos.


Here are a few images that I feel communicate three big ideas in regards to events.


The Emotions

This is my favorite photo. Even though Barney is beyond blown out, you can still recognize his magenta form. The little boy is attentive on the show and by chance I was able to capture his balloon with our logo. I didn’t plan this at all, but when I saw it in front of me I had to shoot. Try not to be so stringent on a “plan” when at an event. Chances are, you’ll wind up being pleasantly surprised by what you find.



The Crowd

There were soooo many kids this is just a small view. I love that I captured this little girl standing and singing while all the others sat down. Sometimes you’ll find you need to maneuver in different areas in order to get the crowd. Don’t be afraid to squeeze past people, stand on chairs, hide behind curtains, or whatever else if it means you have a better vantage point. As long as you’re respectful of the attendees and safe, no one will try and stop you.



The Participants

The great thing about event shooting is all the spontaneous moments that occur. At the same time, it is advantageous to have certain individuals pose. Whether it be special guests or prominent figures, try to ask them to stand still and smile for a few seconds. You won’t regret it!



So there are a few tips that will hopefully help you show the fun of any events you shoot!


May the light be with you.







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